The importance of smartphones in today's world cannot be brushed aside. Any damage to them can stall an important task, besides making you miss out on important calls. The screens of these smartphones are quite fragile and can get damaged easily. Apart from protecting it with overlays and guards, we should take care of it while cleaning.
There are certain techniques that should be implemented while cleaning the phone screen. Also, there are a lot of things that should be avoided while taking care of the screen.
Avoid using household cleaners
Household cleaners, such as window cleaners or soaps and detergents may contain ammonia, which can make the screen exposed to scratches. This can damage your phone screen. Moreover, washing and rubbing the screen all the time can create minute scratches on the screen, over time.
Avoid using shaggy cloths and paper towels
They can wreck the screen. Instead, use microfiber cloths that are specifically designed for phone screens. Keep the screen away from synthetic fabrics.
Avoid using a large amount of water
There are many water-proof mobile phones that allows you to use a specified amount of water. These phones are IP certified. If your phone is not IP certified, avoid using water. Instead, you can use a damp microfiber cloth.
Don't rub alcohol
Don’t use the alcohol directly, use a soft and damp microfiber cloth to clean the phone screen.
Stay away from nail-polish and makeup removers
Many people use nail-polish and makeup removers to clean their phone screen. These contain harsh chemicals that are harmful to the screen, especially acetone.
Avoid forced wiping
Smartphone's screen is delicate. Therefore, avoid applying force with the cleaning cloth on the screen. You should take special care while cleaning too.
Protect your screen and enhance your phone's lifespan.
If in case your phone screen gets damaged or accidentally broken while cleaning, get it replaced immediately from doorstep repairing services. GoEasyRepair offers one of the best doorstep repairing services.